Katekyo hitman reborn main characters
Katekyo hitman reborn main characters

Dude Looks Like a Lady: Shamal had to check Tsuna's chest to tell that he's not a girl.hinted to be one in the future (with an impressive voice). Cute Shotaro Boy: Though he seems to be becoming more of a Bishonen.Curtains Match the Window: Brown hair, brown eyes.Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Falling down stairs one moment, doing aerial acrobatics the next.Cross-Dressing Voices: His voice actor.Just like his master, it's best not to underestimate him. A literal Cowardly Lion the size of a domestic cat with a mane of Dying Will Flames and a helmet shading his eyes. Cool Pet: The Vongola Sky Lion, Natsu.Subverted, since he does in the very first chapter (with Reborn's little help).

katekyo hitman reborn main characters

Still can't really tell her what he wants, but he's getting there.

  • Cannot Spit It Out: His blindingly obvious crush on Kyōko.
  • Usually as a result of trusting people too easily.


    Book Dumb: Getting a "2" on his test, yet he's (when he puts his mind to it) able to figure out how to properly utilize his X-Burner within a few days.Beware the Nice Ones: Even mentioning his friends in a sentence with a threat in it will provoke a violent reaction.And well, she is pretty (in an eerily-similar-to-his-mother kind of way) and popular, and he's a teenage boy.) The entire reason Tsuna likes Kyōko in a nutshell: because she was the only girl to talk to him in over a year. Benevolent Boss: His entire MO as Vongola Decimo.When he was younger, it was actually a dog that wanted to lick him, but poor guy was so terrified he cried. Well, when he got older, supposedly over time. Animals Hate Him: Dogs do not like Tsuna.An Ice Person: His Zero Point Breakthrough First Edition, which is primarily used for freezing Dying Will Flames and those who use them.And nothing really changed on that front, presumably due to Omertà. All of the Other Reindeer used to laugh and call him names.A Child Shall Lead Them: All of fourteen years old and set to inherit the Sin of his long-dead, Mind Rapist, mobster/vigilante ancestors.Adaptation Dye Job: In the manga, his eye color is closer to yellow/orange/gold than it is to brown.Accidental Pervert: In the very first chapter.His brow ever furrowed, he holds his fists up as in prayer.

    katekyo hitman reborn main characters

    Though the villains always seem to be cynical about his height. He's far from no-good these days though, beating down anyone who threatens the people he loves with the power of his Dying Will Flame. It just so happens that "No Good Tsuna" is the future boss of the Vongola Famiglia, the greatest mafia family in Italy, and Reborn has been sent to train him. Well, that was before he met a particular infant hitman named Reborn, who turned his life around forever. Tsuna was a useless kid with a wimpy attitude, poor grades, subpar athleticism, and even worse luck who literally could not talk to a girl to save his life.

    Katekyo hitman reborn main characters